Bombs for Peace Apparel

Established in 2010, Bombs for Peace Apparel was created out of an affinity for Street and Pop Art. The primary goal was to create a clothing label that promotes a positive message of peace on earth. Or in a less meaningful way, the founder just really wanted to wear some kick-ass t-shirts! LOL Fortunately for him, he couldn’t find anything currently on the market that moved him. Thus, an idea was born! It was that deficiency in the t-shirt market that really got the ball rolling. Soon, he began imagining his own designs he felt would look cool and appeal to individuals of all ages and lifestyles.

Bombs for Peace Apparel, aims to be a socially conscious clothing label. Our intent is to use art and mainstream imagery as a means to promote peace and provoke deeper thought on the conflicts plaguing our world. An unknown author once said, “Some art depicts war, some art ends it”. The idea of “bombs for peace”, is not meant to be taken literally. Instead, this play-on-words is purely meant to illicit individual thought. How can we leave our world in a better way than we found it? The seeds of change begins with each and every one of us!

We hope you have a positive experience on our website and find designs that appeal to your visual senses. Happy shopping and thank you for your support in “Changing the world one PEACE at a time”.

– Peace out!